February 5, 2020

Our Latest #chapter15 On Instagram Lets You Choose The Story

Contributed by FIFTEEN

FIFTEEN is a number of connections—artists, innovators and storytellers synergizing with strategists, builders and leaders.

This is not only the introduction to our website, but our mantra that reappears throughout our prospect and client communication. And while we are all of those things, this month’s #Chapter15 on our Instagram account focuses on the process of storytelling.

Storytelling has a long history and is present in every culture across the globe. Stories are used to educate, to entertain, to preserve history, to teach a lesson and instill morals. So you might wonder why we would refer to ourselves, advertising professionals, as storytellers? Isn’t our job merely to sell products and services to consumers? Or, are we here to educate and entertain, to influence opinions and values?

A story, in its basic form, is communicating with words and/or images. Similarly, an ad, whether created for print or broadcast or digital platforms, communicates with words and/or with images.

A story unfolds as it’s told; the storyteller must improvise and embellish along the way to keep the audience’s attention. In advertising, we have to be flexible and nimble when a project changes course. We have to use language in a way that makes people take note.

We know that there are a number of ways to solve a client’s problem, many ways to tell a client’s story. The plot is different depending on who tells it. Check out our Instagram to see how our story changes with your help!

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